sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010


 Beating Around The Bush:

Beating Around The Bush:
Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue. Gente que não vai direto ao assunto, fica rodeando.

Cry Over Spilt Milk:
When you complain about a loss from the past. Chorar sobre o leite derramado.
Drink like a fish:
To drink very heavily. Beber em demasia, ou seja tomar todas.

An old-fashioned and foolish type of person. Antiquado, careta.
Get Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed:
Someone who is having a horrible day. Levantar com o pé esquerdo da cama.
Good Samaritan: Bom Samaritano, sempre disposto a ajudar.
Someone who helps others when they are in need, with no discussion for compensation, and no thought of a reward.
He Lost His Head: Literalmente, perder a cabeça, aqui agir pela emoção.
Angry and overcome by emotions.
Head Over Heels: Subir pelas paredes (na cama)
Very excited and/or joyful, especially when in love.
Idle Hands Are The Devil's Tools: Mente vasia é oficina do diábo
You are more likely to get in trouble if you have nothing to do.
Keep An Eye On Him: Ficar de olho em alguém, vigiando.
You should carefully watch him.
Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You: Não cuspir no mesmo prato que comeu...
Don't hurt anyone that helps you.

Practice makes perfect, keep studying, the more you practice, more you learn...I'm a Brazillian and I never give up. A prática leva a perfeição, continuem estudando, quanto mais se pratica, mas se aprende....Sou Brasileiro e não desisto nunca.
